EMAIL Signatures


  • In an effort to standardize our branding across the district, as a staff member, you are provided an email signature to be incorporated into your Outlook email settings. Two options are available below. 

  • Option 1: Zion District Logo
    For district office personnel or those staff members who service two or more schools within the district.

    • Option 2: School Logo
      For school personnel that service one school in the district.

    • Select Standardized Email Signature Template to retrieve your standard email signature.

      • Highlight the appropriate signature (logo and text) based upon the option choices identified above, copy it and then paste into your Outlook email signature.
      • Edit the text once your signature is pasted into the signature field. Edit each line of the signature individually.
      • If you have a direct phone extension, modify the phone number to reflect your direct phone extension.
      • If you have a district-issued cell phone, modify the template. If you do not have a district-issued cell phone, delete the cell phone content.
      • If your position has access to a specific department fax number, modify the template. If your position does not have access to a specific department fax number, delete the fax number content.
  • For detailed instructions on how to highlight, copy and paste a signature into your Outlook email, select Email Set Up Instructions.

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