
Zion Elementary District 6 offers opportunities for remote instruction for the following circumstances:

BRIDGES (Remote Individualized Education System) [eng]
Remote learning for students with qualifying health needs 

eLearning (Remote Learning) Plan
[eng] [esp]
Remote learning for all students in replacement for an emergency non-attendance day

  • School closures or eLearning remote school days are determined on a case-by-case basis.
    The decision to close school or continue a day's instruction as an eLearning day is the decision of the Superintendent.
  • Notification of a school closure or eLearning remote school day will be communicated by:
    - phone
    - email
    - text message
    - posted on the district/school websites
    - social media
    - ECC (Emergency Closing Center) - television news stations
  • Students with extenuating circumstances for access to technology can receive alternate printed instructional materials for an eLearning day.

    eLearning Play Button 
    Video Overview of the eLearning Plan 
    (click image to play)

    Connecting To Your Class On An eLearning Day: Family Directions [ENGLISH  |   ESPANOL]

    eLearning Day Remote Instruction (PreK-8) Expectations
  • PreK Students:
    PreK students will be sent home with an eLearning Emergency Activity Backpack on or before December 22, 2022 which will contain eLearning activity cards. If a eLearning day is called, PreK students, with support from their parent/guardian, will select an activity card from the backpack. Students will choose 10 activities of their choice from the card and use the materials within the backpack to complete each activity. The parent/guardian is to initialize each completed activity. The student will return the card to school the next day school is in session for participation and proof of attendance.

  • Kindergarten - Grade 2 Students:
    If an eLearning day is called, grades K-2 students are to participate in their daily instruction by use of the internet and their district-issued laptop. Students will navigate to their Clever dashboard and select the SeeSaw button to join their class at the start of the school day via a Zoom link posted in SeeSaw.

    All Kindergarten - Grade 2 students will also be sent home with an eLearning Emergency Kit on or before December 22, 2022 which will contain eLearning activity cards. This kit is to be used only for extenuating circumstances where students do not have access to the internet or technology.

    Only if a child is unable to participate in online instruction, should the emergency eLearning activity kit be used for the day's instruction. Students will select an activity card from the eLearning Emergency Kit and complete all the activities from each subject area listed on the card. The parent/guardian is to initialize all completed activities. The student will return the card and any completed materials to school the next day school is in session for participation and proof of attendance.

  • Grade 3 - Grade 8 Students:
    If an eLearning day is called, grade 3-8 students are to participate in their daily instruction by use of the internet and their district-issued laptop. Students will navigate to their Clever dashboard and select the OTUS button to join their class at the start of the school day via a Zoom link posted in the attendance section of OTUS.

    Only if a child is unable to participate in online instruction, should the emergency eLearning activity kit be used for the day's instruction.
    An eLearning Emergency kit must be requested by the parent/guardian. Once the request is received, an Emergency eLearning Kit will be sent home with your child. To receive an eLearning emergency kit for grades 3-8, please contact the district office at 847.379.0106. Kits will not be available the day of an eLearning day.

    Students will select an activity card from the eLearning Emergency Kit and complete all the activities listed on the card. Parent/guardians are to initialize each completed activity. The student will return the card and any completed materials to school the next day school is in session for participation and proof of attendance. 

Connecting To Your Class On An eLearning Day: Family Directions [ENGLISH  |   ESPANOL]

Do You Need Internet Connectivity...Discounts Available!
All Zion Elementary District 6 families are eligible for free internet up to $25 per month through local internet providers!
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